Pastor Gregory Hoffmann and Parish Nurse Coordinator Marcia Schnorr take questions at a recent NID Parish Nurse Network gathering.
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Pastor Gregory Hoffmann and Parish Nurse Coordinator Marcia Schnorr take questions at a recent NID Parish Nurse Network gathering.
Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Please consider joining with NID Parish Nurse Network as they offer several educational opportunities each year. These are for the purposes of networking, spiritual growth, professional development, earning contact hours for license renewals, and being able to support our two ministry opportunities: (1) supporting the biannual trip to the USA by Raida Mansour (parish nurse from Bethlehem in Palestine and (2) providing partial scholarships for new parish nurses within our Northern Illinois District. Please note that retired, active, and potential parish nurses, or others providing support to the parish nurse ministry are all welcome and of value in our discussions and in supporting the service projects.