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SHINE! Bible Study

SHINE! Bible Study Forward

Letting Your Light Shine!

In April of 2021, the LCMS Missouri District wanted to rally its congregations, schools, and ministries to be the hands and feet of Jesus in their own communities, sharing His love and telling of His Good News! The result was a district-wide servant event called “SHINE!.” It was based on Christ’s command in Matthew 5:16 that His disciple’s light should shine before others so that they may see their good works and glorify their Father in heaven.

In 2023, the LCMS Northern Illinois District (NID) accepted the invitation to join the LCMS Missouri District in seeking to engage our brothers and sisters in Christ to create local servant event opportunities and share the joy of Christ’s Gospel with their communities! Wearing our matching t-shirts, hundreds of acts of service occurred as thousands of our members participated in the uplifting time of service.

As we make ready for this year’s NID SHINE! Servant Event, April 4-13, 2025, we turn to our Lord’s Word for guidance, equipping, and blessing. The SHINE! Bible study is commended for your use as an individual, small group, or congregational study for the weeks surrounding the SHINE! event. In the Scriptures, Jesus clearly demonstrated in word and deed that He is truly, “The Light of the World.” [John 9:5] In this four-session study, we look at how Jesus showed the light of the Gospel in His earthly ministry as He taught and equipped His followers to also “let their light shine.” May the Spirit use this study to ready us to shine the love of Christ in our lives to our neighbors and communities, all to the glory of our Father in heaven!

In Christ,

Rev. Kristopher Whitby,

Assistant to the President, Mission and Ministry

LCMS Northern Illinois District