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Networking Groups

Work in the church? Make these connections.

Northern Illinois District networking groups are opportunities that help church workers (especially those that are not pastors or teachers) to connect, build relationships and gain skills for the Lord’s mission. Would you fit into one of these groups? Contact the district office to let them know you are interested in receiving these newsletters with meeting dates or subscribe to publications.

Admission Directors – The Admissions Directors are comprised of those interested in promoting Lutheran education throughout the Northern Illinois District for the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod. Connect with them through their Facebook Group or contact the district office to be added to the email list for receive meeting notices.

Intercultural Ministry – If you are serving a diverse, or would like to learn how best to serve, contact Rev. Kris Whitby at kris.whitby@nidlcms.org. Learn more at nidlcms.org/ethnic-ministry.

LinkedIn – The district LinkedIn group is called “LCMS Northern Illinois District” and shares tips and tools for work and mission outreach. Send us a request to join via your LinkedIn account.

Parish Administrators – If you have administrative responsibilities for your church or school or serve as the business manager, this gathering every other month covers it all. Contact the district office to be added to the email list for receive meeting notices.

Parish Communicators – This group meets every month to give encouragement and resources to individuals with a staff or volunteer role in parish or school communications. Contact the district office to receive emails with meeting dates. Contact the District office to be added to the email list for receive meeting notices or search NID Communicators on Facebook and request to join the group.

Parish Professionals – This diverse group encompasses commissioned and non-rostered individuals who work in parish ministry beyond the typical teaching or pastor roles, including Directors of Christian Education and youth leaders. Your coordinator is Lois Stewart. You may contact her at 708-223-3110. Contact the District office to let them know you are interested in receiving the newsletter with meeting dates.

Pastors and Educators – Please don’t neglect your circuit, regional and district gatherings as announced. Regional pastor conferences are in the fall with a general pastor conference in the spring. The annual educators conference is usually held in October, except the year when schools participate in the Lutheran Education Association national gathering. Information for educational conferences are available at nidlcms.org/educator-conferences.

Pastors’ Wives – Sister Support in the NID is a closed Facebook group who has come together as Pastors’ wives from the Northern Illinois District to create friendships, lift each other up, and fill each other’s cups. Please respect this group by keeping all discussions confidential. The foundations of the friendships made here will be faith and trust.

School Groups – If you are a Lutheran school administrator, early childhood director or admissions director in the district, you are encouraged to join one of the school ministry peer groups. View Educator Conferences page for scheduled dates. They also are announced in the district’s school e-newsletter. Contact our Lutheran School office for more information.

Sunday School Group – Gather with other Sunday School educators on monthly Zoom meetings to exchange ideas and share challenges. Congregations with small groups are especially invited to partner together. Email the District Office and ask to be added to email notifications.

Stay in Touch via our email newsletter;

Other groups that form locally and hold events in the district often share their gatherings in the district’s email newsletter. Contact the District office to request to have your event added to the email newsletter. To subscribe to any publications, visit nidlcms.org/subscribe.

Helpful information

Go to these pages:

Resources for Churches/Schools (calling, employees, crisis prevention and management, church workers, church administration, school administration)

Recognized Organizations – partner ministries recognized by LCMS that operate within NID

Facebook groups:

Many of the NID networking groups have Facebook groups. Search on Facebook or contact the district office.